When we are in a pleasant environment, our perceptions are altered, mitigating negative sensations and enhancing the feeling of well-being. This can be done through a concept that has become very popular over the last few years: the architecture of well-being. Have you heard about her?
Well then, this type of architecture is part of a set of architectural proposals that, linked to mental health care, make people feel calmer, welcomed and happy in certain environments.
See in this post what is the wellness architecture and how it can influence your life. Follow!
What is wellness architecture?
When an employee is isolated at home due to security measures related to covid-19, or is working normally in stores, offices and clinics, for example, what does he feel about the space?
Many times we don't even stop to think about it, after all, the work is there to be done. However, the layout, configuration and decoration of a space say a lot about a person's posture and feeling of well-being or discomfort within their work environment.
The study and application of techniques to influence these sensations, in relation to any type of environment, is called architecture of well-being.
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How does architecture influence well-being and productivity?
The architecture of an environment can be a powerful tool to increase the productivity of a person at home or a team in workspaces. The well-being caused by the harmonization of colors, comfort of furniture, adequate lighting, creation of living spaces, adoption of plants and gardens, among other architectural proposals, allow productivity to increase and the feeling of well-being to be more touched.
It is important to mention that ergonomics is a factor that influences several aspects of a worker's life. Chairs, tables, upholstery, shelves and cabinets that are beautiful and pleasing to the eye are excellent options, however, they do not have an efficient impact on the well-being and productivity of employees. Beauty needs to be combined with comfort!
Comfortable and ergonomic chairs, tables of the correct size, upholstery with good quality foam, shelves and cabinets installed at a suitable height are just some of the ways to adapt the architecture of well-being to people's daily lives. Therefore, be careful when choosing furniture if you want employees to feel good and not have problems with occupational diseases.
If the objective is to maximize well-being, it is also worth remembering the importance of vegetation in the environment. More than the decorative aspect, the use of vegetation in spaces can bring a sense of liveliness and freshness to all visitors. Natural elements – such as sunlight and the use of textures found in nature, for example – also provide more calm and tranquility, two vital factors for the productivity of professionals.
Does sustainable architecture influence well-being?
According to architect Luciana Pitombo, people who inhabit cities spend a large part of their lives in built environments, so they certainly influence people's well-being. In addition, this question generates an important reflection on the architecture of these environments: are they sustainable in an adequate way?
Well, sustainable architecture is much more than spaces illuminated with natural light, which do not use too much water and which have a lot of green in the project. This type of architecture transcends the concept of environmental sustainability and refers to something deeper, which is the sense of well-being of the occupants of these spaces.
Spaces planned with sustainable architecture are composed of concepts of environmental sustainability and comfort and economy. This means that in addition to having beautiful gardens or plants scattered throughout an office, for example, the space must be built on sustainable bases and internally planned to promote the health and well-being of employees.
How to choose an architecture firm?
Uma empresa de arquitetura deve ter o know-how necessário para fazer o projeto idealizado pelo proprietário. Isso significa que, antes de fazer a contratação, o ideal é analisar os trabalhos que a empresa já realiza, avaliar o portfólio e conversar com os responsáveis.
When analyzing the architecture firm's history, you certainly have much more basis for choosing it or not. In addition, it is interesting to check the project's initial budget to see if it is aligned with your investment possibilities.
See too: Vantagens de estudo de viabilidade em projetos arquitetônicos
Learn more about Plantar Ideias
THE wellness architecture is one of the specialties of Plantar Ideias. The company stands out for offering multidisciplinary and plural work so that its clients can enjoy the best that architecture has to offer. Visit the Plantar Ideias website to learn more about the projects carried out and the services offered!
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