Conducted by ABDI – Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development and by Inmetro – National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology, the project of the Technologies Demonstration Environment for Smart Cities, structured by SPIn, is part of the strong mobilization that started a few years ago at the federal level, in favor of the absorption of advanced Information and Communication Technologies by Municipalities, as an instrument for optimizing public services provided to user-citizens.
A huge diversity of solutions for local public services will be tested and evaluated in a real environment, at the Inmetro Campus (in Xerém/RJ), based on the application of the primacy of Big Data and Internet of Things at the municipal level. The internal phenomena of the Campus – where approximately 2,000 (two thousand) servers coexist daily – will be used in the tests, creating an “intelligent mini-city” composed of a huge diversity of developer players, enrolled in the project.
Command and Control Centers, Intelligent Infrastructure for Telecommunications and Connectivity in the City; Intelligent Public Lighting; Active and Intelligent Urban Mobility; Urban Environment Monitoring and Disaster Prevention; Water, Sewage, Solid Waste, Drainage; Public security; Intelligent Energy Management; Health and Public Education Management and Interactive Public Administration are some of the “faces of the Smart City” that will compose the tests carried out at Inmetro.
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