We gather key information to select the right pieces, with ideas for the outdoor area
Ter uma área externa, seja em uma casa ou apartamento, implica em cuidados especiais, já que nesse ambiente contamos com intempéries climáticas como sol, chuva e ventos. E por que é preciso se atentar a isso? Muito simples: se os móveis para área externa não forem resistentes, em pouco tempo será preciso substituí-los por novos. E, cá entre nós, ninguém quer perder a peça escolhida após usar por pouco tempo e jogar dinheiro fora, não é mesmo? Para quem está em busca das melhores ideias para área externa, os arquitetos e designers Luciana Pitombo and Felipe Stracci, from office Plant Ideas, são especialistas no assunto. Eles contam com a experiência de assinar grandes projetos, além de desenvolver peças exclusivas. Confira 4 dicas que eles destacaram para entender e escolher os melhores móveis para áreas externas:
1. O que levar em consideração para escolher os móveis para área externa?
Made of stainless steel, the Tamanduá bench, in addition to paying homage to the animal symbol of Brazil, also makes reference to the benches that the Indians sit on and produce in their rich handicraft. The piece represents a hierarchy in the tribe and was designed with resistance in mind for outdoor use. / Photo: Julia Ribeiro

Before going shopping, the professionals suggest that you reflect to understand how often you will use the items and also the space. The next step is to analyze which are the storms that need to be overcome. 🇧🇷In general, excess sun and rain are the biggest challenges for outdoor furniture.”, explains Philip.
2. Colors
The Trópicos Line armchair is made of synthetic fiber from banana trees and concrete. / Photograph: Sebastien Abramin
Another important recommendation is to avoid reddish tones, as pigments in this tone tend to fade faster, even if the furniture presents a good quality composition of its structure. When going for other colors, the risk is avoided that, in a short period of time, the piece will present old and dirty characteristics.
Leia também: mobiliário área externa
3. Materials:
With a hexagonal shape, the Arrastão pouf was inspired by fishing nets and has a metallic aluminum structure and naval rope. / Photo: Disclosure
Currently, there is a wide variety of furniture produced with rope – an option that, in addition to being very comfortable, is light and very resistant.
Furniture made of treated wood and suitable for outdoor areas are usually good choices and are accompanied by cushions. The weight of the pieces is also of great importance in the constitution of the external areas. The use of an aluminum structure for the production of loungers and tables can be configured in a light material that can 'fly away' in the case of strong winds. 🇧🇷In our creative work, we think of materials that prevent accidents with people or animals”, reports Luciana.
The creators of Plant Ideas still suggest a very relevant observation about the function of furniture in outdoor projects. For them, “furniture should compose the landscape and not assume the role of protagonists in the scene”. Often, its excess or poorly dimensioned size can, for example, block the view of a balcony, deck or garden.
4. Pieces that cannot be missing in the external area:
Resistant, comfortable furniture with a beautiful design are the premises for pieces made for the outdoor area, such as the Cacho armchair, the Trópico ottoman and the Tacho table, all signed by the Plantar Ideias office.
The outdoor area calls for furniture designed for its users to enjoy the sensations of well-being and relaxation that are part of the project's proposal. “As we have the vision of who conceives the pieces and also who performs the landscaping environments, we work in a very broad way. So we really like to have small stools and ottomans that can be used in different ways, whether for sitting, serving as a side table, support for using the notebook or even as a support for plants”, suggests Luciana.
Pensando no quesito durabilidade, todas as peças desenhadas pela Plantar Ideias são compostas por materiais como concreto ou cordas náuticas, que recebem tratamento UVA e UVB, resultando em móveis para área externa com alta durabilidade e resistência. A espuma é um produto evitado, já que podem estragar facilmente com o tempo. “Nossa inspiração para criar reflete o apreço dos brasileiros pelas áreas externas e responde a demanda para as mais diversas finalidades. Isto quer dizer que é possível usar tanto em jardins e varandas particulares, como também em espaços de grande circulação pública, como shoppings centers”, concludes Philip.
Get to know Plantar Ideias! We started our activities in 2016 with their activity highlighted by the design of projects focused on outdoor areas with the aim of re-establishing interactions between nature, built spaces and people. Check out our projects corporate architecture!
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