What is the importance of urban furniture for a city?

You urban furniture are part of every city in the country. There are things that we never stop to think about in our city, but that make a big difference in our daily lives. This is the case of urban furniture, which helps us in our routine, shaping our relationship with external spaces. They help, for example, people to rest and provide comfortable places for group meetings. 

See too: How to choose outdoor furniture

Urban furniture also has an intimate relationship with the landscaping of a city, and can positively impact the aesthetic aspect of a space, especially if mixed with natural elements such as trees. Despite suffering from the action of time and, sometimes, from depredation, there are several ways in which urban furniture can have its useful life maximized. Making with quality materials – such as steel and concrete – is just one of them.

See, in this post, more information about urban furniture and how important they are for your city. Follow!

What is urban furniture?

We can define urban furniture as a set of objects or equipment placed in the streets and other public places of a city. These items are for collective use, that is, anyone can use them. In the case of a direction sign, for example, anyone who wants to do this can be guided by the signs.

These urban furniture also serve to help the administration to carry out various public services. For this example, we can mention the bus stops, which help the public administration to provide the public transport service. If it weren't for these bus stops, people wouldn't have a specific place to catch the bus, and that would end up making life difficult for those who need the service.

This was just one example, we can mention several other urban furniture that make all the difference in a city, especially if it is a tourist city, if it has squares, beaches, among other attractions that could make use of urban furniture.

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How does street furniture affect the landscape of a city?

Urban furniture greatly affects the landscape of cities. This happens in a planned way, and it is necessary that the city hall is always attentive to the needs of the city to verify which urban furniture is more interesting and where it should be placed. 

In addition, the administration must take care of the issue of maintaining these objects and equipment so that they do not present defects and end up harming the population. Here, we can use the same example of public lighting. If the administration does not take care of public lighting, especially the items that compose it, citizens end up being subject to more crimes, for example.

The issue of characterizing the city is also in the aspect of urban furniture, which can have different shapes and colors, but which, at the same time, refer to the city. Cities that have some tourist differential, for example, can use this theme to beautify the city even more through urban furniture.

Types of urban furniture

foto de um banco em uma praça para simbolizar um mobiliário urbano

There are many types of urban furniture, the ones that stand out the most in relation to their importance are:

  • orientation objects, such as signs;
  • decorative and functional items, such as payphones;
  • public lighting equipment, such as light poles;
  • constructions to assist in public services, such as bus stops; 
  • between others.

How BIM helps in the development of urban furniture 

BIM is the acronym for Building Information Modeling. With this strategy, it is possible to simulate real works in 3D through projects carried out by engineers. BIM can help a lot in the planning of public works of furniture, making it possible to visualize, in the most realistic way possible, how this work would look in a public space.

Let's say that the work is to place benches in public squares, the benches being objects of public furniture. With BIM, it will be possible to verify how these benches would look in practice, and thus make more accurate investments and faster works to be carried out.

Discover the work of Plantar Ideias

Plantar Ideias specializes in coordinating, consulting and advising on projects carried out in parks, cities and large developments. The company contributes a lot with the planning and execution of urban furniture. Learn more about the company and learn about all the services offered.

Check also: Sustainable plaza design | Edifícios comerciais

Foto de um parque com mobiliário urbano