What are the benefits of green architecture for your projects?

Estimates published by the United Nations Environment Program show that construction is responsible for 40% of the world's energy consumption and 40% from waste accumulated in the world.

In this context, projects green architecture emerge as more than just a luxury or fad. today they show the need and urgency for more sustainable civil construction projects for the planet.

If you want to go a little deeper into what are green architecture projects and what are its benefits or challenges, keep following this Plantar Ideias article.


Green architecture – also known as sustainable architecture or eco-architecture – proposes a way of designing buildings and other architectural projects in order to optimize the use of natural resources. Its main objective is to minimize the environmental impacts caused by buildings..

Architecture projects of this type are governed by some basic principles. Are they:

  • decrease in the use of natural resources;
  • optimization of the use of electrical energy;
  • use of alternative and renewable energy sources;
  • promotion of waste recycling;
  • use of nature as part of the project.


In addition to helping to preserve the planet's environment, green architecture also has a number of benefits, making it very attractive for the aesthetic and functional aspect.

Understand now some of the main advantages of adopting green architecture projects.

Read more: Green architecture: what is it and how to apply it in projects?

Higher market value

The application of sustainable techniques makes residential and commercial buildings maintain a high resale value, after all, recurring and maintenance costs are lower in green buildings.

Furthermore, the growing concern for nature puts sustainable buildings in high demand.

Savings on electricity and water bills

As you know, the optimization of the use of natural resources is one of the keys to sustainable architecture projects. Therefore, constructions of this type tend to rely on some resources: ventilation and passive lighting, use of photovoltaic energy and even the reuse of water.

All of this contributes to consumption bills, such as electricity, for example, being drastically reduced.

More quality of life

Sustainable projects are not only intended to optimize natural resources, but also to make the experience more enjoyable for people who frequent the spaces.

A study carried out by researchers from Seattle, in the United States, shows that absences and tardiness have been decreased in 40% in offices and schools that used sustainable architecture.


Green architecture emerges as a response to a world scenario increasingly deteriorated by the irresponsible use of natural resources. The ecological imbalance caused, in large part, by traditional civil construction is capable of causing extreme weather events with increasing frequency. The pandemic is just one of the examples that can be cited.

Therefore, rethinking our relationship with the spaces in which we live must be seen as more than a mere alternative, but a vital factor for the survival of life as we know it.

Green architecture projects therefore represent an effort in the right direction, but only with the widespread adoption of sustainable building practices can we truly experience the benefits of living in a green environment. sustainable society.

To find out more about the subject, visit our blog and check out other articles that Plantar Ideias has prepared on the subject.

Arquitetura verde projetos