Tropical Gardens: Here's Everything You Need to Know

A garden is always a good idea to make outdoor environments more welcoming, lively and different. Thus, tropical gardens are a great choice.

Discover everything you need to know about tropical gardens and understand what their main characteristics are, how to create them and how to care for them.

What are tropical gardens?

Tropical gardens were originally created by landscaper Roberto Burle Marx and have a characteristic of their own: asymmetry. Unlike other types of gardens, they are not bordered and symmetrical.

O conceito de jardim tropical é mais natural, com as plantas em posição mais semelhante com a que elas teriam se estivessem em seu habitat natural.

In addition, this is a garden that usually has subtropical and tropical plant species, with bright colors and sculptural shapes.

However, not having symmetry does not mean not having planning… quite the contrary! Tropical gardens need good landscaping planning to make them complete, integrating with the environment and giving an exotic air.

How to make a tropical garden?

Some characteristics are important for the creation of a tropical garden, as they help to maintain the essence and build the concept. In terms of positioning, there is great freedom of creation, without the drawings having to follow a pattern. Also, the garden doesn't have to be very big.

A very good tip is to use paths between the species, with stones, dirt and wood, forming a sinuous and irregular garden, with a mixture of plants of different sizes.

Having a source of clean water or a lake is also interesting, especially for birds that are usually attracted to gardens of this style. In this case, it is best to place the plants around the pond or fountain in order to create harmony.

In addition, some more technical features should be noted in the project. Check out:

light and temperature

Two essential points are light and temperature. The garden must have contact with the sun and heat, and the ideal is that the temperature is not lower than 22 degrees.

In addition, the lighting project must be well thought out to help the garden blend in with the rest of the environment.

Water and air humidity

Another crucial point is about water and air humidity. As a tropical garden, it is essential that the plants have plenty of water, but not soggy soil. Therefore, the air humidity must be high, especially in drier places, where it is necessary to spray water regularly on the plants.

Soil rich in organic matter

Soil also plays a fundamental role in the construction of tropical gardens. It must be prepared with organic fertilizer and periodically fertilized again, as needed, to ensure the health of the plants.

How to care for garden plants? 

Para cuidar do jardim tropical, é importante levar em consideração as diferentes espécies existentes, pois cada uma vai demandar cuidados particulares. De uma forma geral, espécies tropicais gostam mais de umidade, mas sem exagero, bem como não podem receber sol diretamente o dia todo, por mais que necessitem de calor.

In addition, the characteristics mentioned above regarding heat, temperature, humidity and soil must be taken as a basis not only for garden creation, but also for care.

Plants commonly used in the tropical garden

Several species can be used in tropical gardens, mainly the largest and most robust ones, as well as creeping foliage, flowers and fruit species.

Some of the most used plants are:

  • Banana trees;
  • Bromeliads;
  • Dracenas;
  • Palm trees;
  • orchids;
  • Adam's Rib;
  • Philodendrons.

Therefore, tropical gardens are quite versatile, as they contain numerous types of plants, and can even be used in projects of corporate architecture and conviviality, which create environments that are more integrated between the exterior and the interior and build very pleasant areas of conviviality.

Did you like to know more about tropical gardens? Follow the Plantar Ideais blog and find many other contents like this one!

Quintal com jardim tropical.