Wellness: understand this strong trend

Living in an environment is much more than just having a place to stay, as spaces can directly, positively or negatively influence the quality and way of life of the occupants.

Within this, Wellness emerges, a concept that has been developed and applied in architecture and that has everything to make your life even better and with more quality.

Get to know this trend, understand what it consists of and see how it can make a difference in the lives of urban populations!

What is Wellness?

A concept applied in architecture, Wellness aims to build environments and spaces that prioritize quality of life, well-being and leisure. This is done through stimuli based on some pillars, such as:

  • Sustainability;
  • Health;
  • Localization;
  • Exclusivity;
  • Design.

This type of construction has been gaining ground, and currently there are even certifications that can be granted to spaces developed from Wellness, such as the Well and Fitwell certification.

How is Wellness applied to architecture?

This concept can be applied to architecture in different ways, mainly with different materials and spacious spaces that promote an environment that encourages the practice of healthy activities and social interactions with the occupants, for example.

Além disso, o uso de plantas e de landscaping é uma forma de aplicar o Wellness aos espaços, assim como a criação de locais como áreas externas e áreas de meditação, sempre com inserção de espécies de plantas que estimulam o relaxamento e ajudam no bem-estar humano até mesmo por meio da beleza impressa no ambiente.

Whether in residential or commercial places or in a smart city, where what is sought is social well-being, architectural projects can apply Wellness through the use of textures, colors, elements and aromas so that positive sensations are awakened in people.

Nas cidades inteligentes, inclusive, cada edificação é considerada no impacto que causa tanto à própria cidade quanto ao meio ambiente, sempre havendo uso de tecnologias e soluções inovadoras.

Projeto Vaz Batel no conceito Wellness com árvores, gramas e outros elementos paisagísticos

An example of the concept addressed in this content is Vaz Batel, a Wellness project from the year 2022 in which the landscaping was developed by Plantar Ideias in partnership with various professionals, such as lighting technicians, interior designers and architects.

The construction is located in Curitiba and involves sophistication and comfort, with environments designed to provide well-being to residents in the living areas. For this, the project relies on landscaping and lighting techniques, as well as relaxation spaces with various elements of nature, integrating green into common spaces. The spaces were designed to be occupied by people of all ages, promoting an improvement in everyone's quality of life.

Terraço do projeto Vaz Batel com árvores, plantas, iluminação e espaços de lazer.

On the terrace part, the project received a leisure space enriched with several plants, a gourmet area and a very beautiful view, which also contributes to the quality of life of the visitors and to raise the level of well-being. The project will seek sustainability certification, yet another point where well-being and design meet.

Another project that follows the same line is the pioneer Wellness Building AGE360, which was the first project in Brazil in this sense. It is a residential building focused on well-being and balance in the lives of residents with natural lighting and comfortable views. 

Why has the concept of Wellness grown so much?

This concept became even more important after the Covid-19 pandemic, which made people spend more time at home or indoors, highlighting the importance that spaces where a good part of the day is spent should provide balance and the well-being.

In this sense, many people realized that it is important to live in a place that provides more than just a space, since living is not the only need. It is also necessary to live and feel, to have health, warmth, well-being, security and good sensations in the place where you are.

With wide spaces and attractive stairs, for example, it is possible to encourage activities that would not be done in other styles of environments. Therefore, even the differentiated planning of a staircase can have a considerable impact on people's lives, who may prefer to go up and down a few floors exercising rather than using the elevator alone.

Therefore, Wellness is something that came to revolutionize the way constructions are made and rescue essences already used in other civilizations, such as the Romans, Asians and Greeks, which serve as an influence to think about well-being in current constructions.

Browse the Plantar Ideias website and learn more about this concept and other types of projects that are trending!

Projeto de arquitetura sobre uma mesa, representando o Wellness aplicado à arquitetura