Know the definition of urban park and its benefits

The first urban park in the world was designed in 1843, in England, by the architect Joseph Paxton. This version was created more than 150 years ago and, since that time, it already had the purpose of increasing the quality of life and well-being of the people who passed through there.

Over time, the concept has developed, and today it remains focused on the population – but it also gained the characteristic of protecting the environment.

Read on to learn more about the concept and benefits of an urban park!

What is an urban park?

An urban park is nothing more than a community space intended for environmental preservation and for the use of the population, whether for recreational or resting purposes. They are located in different cities across the country. As an example, we can cite:

  • Ibirapuera Park – São Paulo;
  • Tanguá Park – Curitiba;
  • Tijuca National Park – Rio de Janeiro;
  • Américo Renê Giannetti Municipal Park – Natal.

Among these parks, the highlight certainly goes to Ibirapuera Park, one of the most visited and photographed in Latin America. It opened in 1954 and has an area of 158 hectares.

The great differential of this park is the aesthetic beauty, vegetation and buildings of the Ciccillo Matarazzo Pavilion (which houses the Bienal de São Paulo) and the Bosque da Leitura (cultural environment recently revitalized by Plantar Ideias).

Benefits of the urban park

Check out the main advantages of urban parks:

For the population

For people, gains are related to quality of life, especially with regard to mental health issues. Parks favor relaxation and moments of rest and reflection, in addition to being the ideal space for the practice of physical activities.

Além disso, como local recreativo, os parques urbanos permitem que a população acesse exposições e shows e tenha contato com a natureza, ficando mais próxima de animais de diferentes espécies e de uma vegetação muito rica em diversidade, que ajuda a mitigar os efeitos da poluição no organismo.

for the environment

As for the environment, the great benefit of urban parks is related to the production of oxygen and reduction of the effects of ultraviolet radiation. This type of park also favors the multiplication of animal and plant species, allowing people to have more appreciation for nature and create more habits to preserve the environment.

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Por que frequentar os parques urbanos?

Frequentar parques urbanos oferece diversos benefícios. Eles proporcionam um ambiente para atividades físicas, como caminhadas e exercícios, promovendo a saúde e bem-estar.

Além disso, parques urbanos são espaços de convivência social, onde é possível interagir com a comunidade e participar de eventos. A presença de áreas verdes melhora a qualidade do ar e reduz o estresse, contribuindo para uma melhor qualidade de vida. Portanto, incluir visitas aos parques urbanos na rotina é essencial para uma vida mais saudável e equilibrada.

Conheça o parque parque tecnológico UFRJ

The importance of green areas in cities

Currently, the cities with the most green areas, according to IBERDROLA, are Moscow, Singapore, Sydney and Vienna. These cities are home to spaces full of vegetation and provide the population with moments of leisure and relaxation, which improve people's quality of life.

Everyone benefits from noise and pollution reduction effects and can disconnect, even for a few hours, from the pressure that urban centers exert. The green areas also reduce the temperature in the summer and can serve as an ideal space for events to promote education and culture.

Did you like the content? Then continue on the Plantar Ideias website to learn more about our Bosque da Reading project in Ibirapuera park!

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Foto de pessoas aproveitando o dia em um parque urbano