What are the architecture and decor trends for 2022?

The pandemic has affected society in many ways. In architecture, companies in the field had to adapt to the situation of social isolation and working from home. With the arrival of the end of the pandemic period, a new perspective opens up for architecture: environments designed to receive the “new normal”. Follow!


Now see the three main architecture trends for 2022:


Nature has always been linked to architecture, from the creation of external environments to the use of plants and natural elements inside the rooms. For 2022, this trend is even greater, as people are increasingly preferring cozy environments that provide greater well-being within their homes and offices.

See too: How to choose outdoor furniture

The slightly more rustic touch brings the occupants of the place a sense of tranquility. In addition, the use of natural lighting elements is strong this year, as well as the greater authenticity of the rooms conveyed by the use of materials such as stone and different types of wood.


We are talking about nature, but we cannot forget that technology is also present in practically everyone's daily lives – and in the architectural field this could not be different. Inside homes, it will be possible to notice an increase in the use of electronic devices, such as virtual assistants and other objectives aimed at home automation.

Many people will also continue to work from home, which will see technology applied to optimize rooms such as bedrooms, living rooms and offices, in order to better equip them for work.


Finally, we can talk about the practicality of the environments. The more practical a room is, the greater its use in people's daily lives. This goes for houses, apartments, offices, companies and even industrial projects.

The trend for 2022 is to use furniture that is not only decorative and beautiful, but also functional. In this way, the space is better used and the cost-effectiveness of each acquisition is increased.


The Environmental, Social, Governance and Healthy (ESGH) – or, in literal translation, Ambiental, Social, Governança e Saúde – is a system created for companies to be more responsible in terms of all the words in the acronym.

In architecture, we can draw some notes linked to each of the bases of ESGH:

  • Environmental: the care taken by architecture firms with the use of natural resources, such as water, and the proper disposal of waste;
  • Social: the look of the organizations in the sector focused on society and people's quality of life, in compliance with labor laws and with the composition of more diverse teams;
  • Governance: the transparency of companies in the architectural segment with regard to their corporate practices, compliance with tax and legal obligations and commitment to business ethics;
  • Health: the use of architectural strategies to contribute to people's health through environments also designed for this purpose.


THE ESGH is increasingly popular among companies that aim to stand out in the market. This happens because it raises the reputation of the business, increases employee satisfaction, helps to win new customers and can still be seen as a great differentiator for organizations that apply the strategy efficiently.

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Tendências de arquitetura para 2022