Environmental awareness: understand ESG and sustainability

It's hard to find someone who has never heard of the acronym ESG, even if they don't know very well how to explain what it means. Representing in English the concepts of environment, social and governance, the ESG agenda brings together a set of practices to be adopted by companies in order to act sustainably within these three main pillars of action. In this text, we address more specifically the environmental ESG.

When we talk about the adoption of these sustainability practices by companies, the architecture market is not left out. More than a trend, the actions guided by ESG are a reality that dictates the future of business in the country and in the world. To better understand what this agenda encompasses and how important environmental awareness is for a brand, continue reading until the end. 

What does ESG say about environmental commitments?

As we said, the environment is one of the points of attention of ESG schedule for companies. This pillar refers especially to aspects of the climate crisis that the world is facing and how the company acts to try to reduce its impacts on nature. See below some examples that are analyzed according to this perspective:

  • Waste Management;
  • Decreased water and air pollution;
  • Emission of gases that cause the greenhouse effect;
  • Energy efficiency and use of renewable sources;
  • Rational use of water;
  • Reforestation programs;
  • Reverse logistic.

Why does architecture seek ESG?

Consumer interest in companies with responsible conduct is growing every day. In a study conducted by the US agency Union + Webster, 87% of the Brazilians interviewed said they prefer to buy products and services from sustainable companies. This is a trend that is only expected to increase in the coming years.

In addition, countless other benefits reach the results of a business that seeks to act under the precepts of environmental sustainability, social and governance. These include cost savings, greater employee productivity and fewer regulatory and legal interventions.

Therefore, it is inevitable that the architecture firm that wants to continue growing in this scenario adapts its practices to what is determined by the ESG agenda, attracting consumers who are concerned with these issues and, consequently, obtaining better returns.

Know more: BIM and ESG: How they can revolutionize sustainability in architecture

What is the importance of strengthening environmental awareness?


Decades of neglect by the industry towards the environment have constantly taken their toll and had great repercussions – especially among young people, who are looking for ways to help reverse this situation. This has an effect on the behavior of that same portion of the population.

Made about two years ago, the search Lifestyles 2019, by Nielsen, showed that 43% of the 21,000 respondents said they had changed their consumption habits in favor of the environment. In this way, companies that seek to cause the least possible impact on nature, aligned with the environmental ESG, come out ahead in the dispute for customers.

What can good environmental management do for your company?

In addition to all the benefits already mentioned, a company with good environmental management also attracts a greater number of investors. This is because, in recent years, ESG funds (those that focus on companies with good environmental, social and governance conduct) have been increasingly chosen by investors. In other words, traditional financial metrics are no longer the only way to assess a company's profitability in the market.

For all these reasons, it is important that your business is up-to-date with the best practices in today's market, ensuring growth in results, a pleasant atmosphere among employees and an ever-increasing attraction of customers and investors. 

If you have any doubts about ESG and the importance of environmental awareness for your business, browse the related content on our website and take the opportunity to learn more about our services and projects.

ESG ambiental