The quality of life is in evidence, due to several reasons. The routine, with high loads of stress, sedentary jobs and other related factors is among the main ones.
As a result, a trend has been gaining ground, which are projects wellness with a significant presence of botany. Have you heard?
To better understand what this project is and how botany works, follow this content until the end and check it out!
What are wellness projects?
Wellness is a concept that aims at well-being. In architectural projects, it means creating environments that favor quality of life and reduce the risk of occupants developing diseases related precisely to habits and the environment, such as cardiovascular diseases.
Thus, the projects involve spaces for meditation, more attractive stairs so that people use the elevators less, rest spaces, botany and other environmental elements that help in the promotion and maintenance of physical and mental well-being.
When the concept is well applied, the site can receive certification well or fitwell, which certify the space according to well-being categories, such as light, mind, comfort, fitness and air.
Importance of botany for wellness
According to the same reasoning as in the previous topic, in wellness, a botânica tem significativa importância, pois, por meio da inclusão de diversos tipos de plantas nos ambientes, com a construção de um landscaping, se torna possível projetar espaços com paisagens agradáveis e que forneçam mais bem-estar às pessoas.
In outdoor resting or leisure spaces, for example, plants and trees contribute to climate regulation. Also, indoors, it can help reduce stress.
Therefore, botany is a trend in the development of projects, both commercial and residential, as the use of plants is one of the tools available to achieve the objectives of the project. wellness.
How a botanical project works
In order to make the most of botanical elements in order to build spaces that promote well-being, knowing how this type of project works is important.
In this sense, it is essential that the landscaper choose the right plants and specify the place where they should be inserted, always valuing the beauty and harmony of the space.
To this end, the project must be carried out with representative drawings, location of each species with identification and, also, representation in scale of the adult size of the plant.
It is even important to pay attention to this detail, since, in the execution of the project, in the purchase of plants, the age of the species must be observed, so that the result is as expected. After all, very young plants may not deliver the intended result in the project, compromising the concept.
Summer Palace Project
Taking advantage of the concept worked on in this content, Plantar Ideais carried out the project summer palace in Saudi Arabia, with other landscaping offices around the world.
In this project, several botanical elements were used to create a fusion between tropical nature and Arab culture, developing garden spaces with plants in aerial structures and constellation of flowers in the middle of the arid desert climate of the place.
In fact, the project corroborates what was mentioned earlier about how botany can be a great ally for climate regulation and for creating environments that strengthen well-being.
Therefore, the landscaping in the projects wellness is increasingly present, being a key element for obtaining results that are not only concerned with the aesthetics of the environment, but also with functionality, for the health of the occupants.
On the Plantar Ideias website, check out more about the project and many others already developed by the office!
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