summer palace

Futura Sunprime

Restaurante Selvagem

Accor Hotéis RoofTop

Sp-arte 19

on Brooklyn

Vaz Batel

Shopping Granja Vianna

4D Complex House

Cachorrodromo Petlove

Bar da Caixa D’água

Espaço Sol: Air by Plantar Ideias at CasaCor SP 2022

Station Bresser

Vinx Giovanni Gronchi Station

Shopping Goiabeiras

Casacorsp 18 – Paisagens de Luz

Projeto Sitting Mooca

Sp-arte 17

Rooptop Shopping Villa Lobos

Parque Metropolitano de Pituaçu

Restaurante Rose Velt

Ifood Head Office


Retrofit Parque Tecnológico UFRJ


Residencia França

Golden Square

Casacor rio 19 -Portodosnós

Sp-arte 18

Open Air Raposo

Casacor 19 – Varandar

Praça Mônaco

Tastelab Cuiaba

Casacorsp 17 – Miragem

Sede Sicoob

Sala Mube

Popup Cuiabá

BR Lúdico

Made 2016
the architecture projects of coexistence carried out by Plant Ideas fundamentally seek to work on the integration between external areas and internal spaces, developing areas for coexistence. Architectural design ideas of coexistence comes from the fusion of the guiding principles of Plantar Ideias of landscape construction, contemporaneity, tropicality and merges the identity and profile of each company or enterprise. Every architectural project of coexistence it is unique and treated with a wealth of details and intelligent architectural and landscaping solutions that range from planning to operating the spaces. Whether offices, hotels or shopping malls, it is the responsibility of the living area project to create attractive and comfortable structures, with intelligent solutions that provide dynamism and attractiveness. Do you want to carry out a coexistence architecture project? Talk to Plantar Ideals!